Finding and downloading drivers is sometimes harder than it should be. Below are some handy shortcuts for the current Konica Minolta models.
Windows drivers are for 8.1 through 11 and Windows Server 2012 through 2019. May alsowork with Windows 7 and Server 2008.
The Mac drivers are for OS 13.x
If you need a driver for a model or operating system that is not listed here, you can check for it at the Konica Minolta self-help site.
Universal driver that works with all current and most discontinued Konica Minolta models. Use this with the current "1" i-series models.
bizhub 4700i, 4050i, 4750i, 300i, 360i, 450i, 550i, 650i, 750i
bizhub C3300i, C3320i, C3350i, C4050i, C250i, C300i, C360i, C450i, C550i, C650i, C750i
bizhub 4000i, 4020i, 5000i, 5020i
bizhub C3120i (OS 12.x)
These link directly to Konica Minolta's download site so if a link does not work, please let us know so we can update it!